Inderly - IT for Law Firms has been approved as an Accredited Provider of Professionalism Content by The Law Society of Ontario

This organization has been approved as an Accredited Provider of Professionalism Content by The Law Society of Ontario


We produced a comprehensive guide on what to look out for in information technology this year. This guide covers everything from tech support and customer service to cloud servers, cyber security, and hardware.

IT Services Buyer's Guide for Law Firms

DOWNLOAD and keep on your desk: 4 Cyber Security Questions to Ask

1. Who has access? And do they need access?

2. Is multi-factor authentication turned on?

3. Is there a backup of the data? And how can you access it?

4. What’s the plan if something goes wrong?

Just want a quick chat?

Book a meeting in Nolan’s calendar

  • Inderly – IT for Law Firms

  • Local help desk team in Toronto and Hamilton

  • info@inderly.com, for clients: support@inderly.com

Professional headshot of Inderly - IT for Law Firms CEO Nolan Witkowski, wearing dark shirt on white backround

Some options to stay in touch.

1. Book a short meeting with Nolan to get to know us, and share with us your technology questions and priorities.

2. Request a free webinar (option for CPD time)

Need some CPD time or a refresher on how to use technology to make your work life easier? Plan a webinar for your team.

3. Email us.